ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEFirst multicellular organism with no mitochondrial genome living its life without breathing. The common concept that all organisms need oxygen to live might be wrong as researchers discovered a unique organism that does not need to breathe to survive.
A fatal shark attack caused the life of local Santa Cruz surfer, Ben Kelly. It has been 16 years since the last deadly shark attack in Northern California. Click the link above to learn more.
Mosquitos carrying diseases such as dengue, Zika virus, and yellow fever will become more common in many parts of the world as the changes in weather pattern and temperature continues.
[3D Video] A curly-tailed lizard with a bulgy belly was found near a pizza shop in Florida. Initially thought to be pregnant, the female lizard turns out to be impacted with feces weighing almost 22 grams, which made up 80% of the lizard's body.
Air pollution has been cleared in California due to the coronavirus causing people to stay at home. Researchers from UCLA say that if the state takes measures on improving the air quality, about 14,000 lives would be saved yearly. Click the link above to learn more.
Just earlier this week, Washington state had been warned by experts regarding the impending arrival of the deadly Asian hornets. Now, they have another insect to worry about: the gypsy moths. Click the link above to read more on this story.
IN PHOTOS: Despite the significant drought this year, a "Miracle March" brought life to the fiery orange poppies across the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve landscape.
The most powerful explosion ever recorded happened in Siberia without creating a crater or leaving debris at the epicenter. Researchers are studying more about it, which shows some promising results.
The pandemic has kept most of the world indoors. But not otters and badgers in North Wales that were caught playing on video, taking advantage of empty public spaces.
Experts say the 'ghost dog' is just one of the many threatened animal species in the Amazon rainforest due to deforestation. Like other species, it will have a hard time existing once the trees disappear.
Introducing, 2020's trendiest mother's day gift are now available on Amazon.com! Flowers are timeless gifts to any occasion, especially during mother's day.
Toxic green algae, Noctiluca scintillans blooms are proliferating at a fast pace particularly in the Arabian Sea an in parts of Southeast Asia. Scientists claim that the melting snowcaps in the Himalayas are to blame for this. The algae, also known as 'sea sparkle' blooms big enough to be seen from outer space. Click the link to read more.
Last year, a dramatic decrease in the historical dog's population was recorded but this year's number give hope to the Scottish Terrier population as a 92% increase is recorded.