ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATECheck out a 3D representation video and photos of what Scientists have termed the long 'river monster' with fossils found along the Kem Kem rocks in Morocco. The findings of their study suggest that it used to swim the oceans, as opposed to the previous belief that dinosaurs never swam.
Amazing footage started to circulate the internet of a pod of dolphins all "glowing" together as they started swimming through bioluminescent algae somewhere off the coast of California.
With the coronavirus pandemic ravaging the world, work from home is a norm today. Offices are closed and businesses have embraced remote working models. While you may be happy about saving time on long commutes, getting used to the idea of being stuck to your desk with family around can actually drive you crazy.
Worldwide pollution levels have gone down dramatically due to COVID-19. But even this temporary decrease cannot stop 2020 from being one of the hottest years ever. Especially when things go back to normal.
See more photos of flamingos in Navi Mumbai as they paint Thane Creek pink! While humans are forced to stay inside their homes, a record-breaking number of flamingos start to flock in Navi Mumbai painting India in pink.
Carlton II migrated from West Africa to Central England in just seven days, traveling over 7,500 kilometers in seven days. The average cuckoo takes two to three weeks to reach England.
Learn about the story of the hairless bunny that was once an outcast, but is now a big inspiration to many. Mr. Bigglesworth is a rabbit with very little fur, but a whole lot of personality. Check out his story, click the link above.
Researchers have found that the arctic birds, Svalbard rock ptarmigan save energy by weakening an already weak immune system. This energy-saving method is the first time they've observed such behavior in these arctic animals. Want to learn more? Read the full article by clicking the link above.
Who knew even trees could get lonely. Apparently, they do if your closest companion is 137 miles away. Read about the world's loneliest tree found in New Zealand by clicking on the link above.
If this bird is indeed a hybrid between a chat and an oriole, it further suggests that chats might be more closely related to Icterids than previously thought.
Time management is very important to be productive. Time management is very important to be productive. When you waste time, there's too little left to complete all your tasks in the allotted period.
According to research, an area in the Sahara, now known as south-eastern Morocco, was debatably the most dangerous place in the history of planet Earth. Scientists say it is a place where no human time-traveler would survive because of the creatures that lived there. What kind of creatures lurked the area? Click the link above to find out.
A rise in global temperature will create strong currents that blow through mid-latitude areas and push toward the poles slowing the speed of the hurricanes by two miles per hour.