ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEGood news! Several koalas that survived the recent Australian bushfires are now re-released to the Lake Innes Nature Reserve in New South Wales. After recuperating in the Koala Hospital in New South Wales, the marsupials are now ready to start anew in the wild. Read the full story. Click the link above.
Four bats that were discovered in Africa are sister species of the horseshoe bat, the source of the SARS-CoV-2 or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2, which caused the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Oh no! Scientists have discovered microplastics in a block of Antarctic sea ice drilled in 2009. The discovery is proof that human pollution has now reached even the remote areas on Earth, affecting even the tiniest of creatures. Click the link above to read the full story.
Check this out! Scientists from India have discovered a new species of pit vipers and guess which Harry Potter character they name it after. You got that right, none other than the master parseltongue himself, Salazar Slytherin. Click the link above to read the whole story.
Scottish researchers have discovered that ancient crocodiles called thalattosuchians evolved from being land-dwellers into deep-sea swimmers about 170 million years ago. Scientists believe that the creatures adapted part of their inner ear to aid them in their transition. Interested to learn more? Click the link above.
A white Bengal tiger at the Beijing Zoo looks depressed after being in captivity for so long, according to the zoo. Meanwhile, another zoo in China has people up in arms after a viral video showed people feeding tigers using fishing rods.
Physically reading is important to help learn and understand Today, we live in an era of instant gratification. The pace of technological advance has become so great that too many people are turning to innovative devices to do everything for them.
Honey, the 'World's Loneliest Dolphin' has died on March 29 after being abandoned in the same pool for two years in the shutdown aquarium, Marine Park Aquarium, in Choshi, Japan. 46 penguins and hundreds of fish and reptiles were left abandoned in the facility, with its owners left untraceable. To learn more about the story, click the link above.
One of the rarest species of fox in Northern America has appeared giving hope to scientists that the animal has somehow managed to claw its way back from extinction.
Watch an adorable mother whale-baby whale bonding as the mother whale nurses its calf. As a part of their research, marine biologists from Hawaii have secured this amazing and rare footage to observe humpback whale's behavior in their breeding ground. To watch the video, click the link above.
The roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) will sacrifice itself for the colony so that it may have more food to eat. It also shares the same ancestor with humans, who lived almost 600 million years ago.
Researchers currently believe that the use of coronavirus-sniffing dogs could be the answer to a faster and more efficient detection by smelling up to 750 infected people per hour!