8 Top Tips for Making Your Home Eco-Friendly

8 Top Tips for Making Your Home Eco-Friendly

Many of us are beginning to do what we can to become environmentally conscious and so starting within our homes is the best way to make an impact on our carbon footprint.
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Surviving Blizzard 2019: What to do When you are Outside

Wearing the right clothes can help in surviving being stuck outside during a blizzard -- even when not inside a car. According to Dornford, there were reports of people suffering from frostbites because they are not wearing the right clothes.
Silent Public Health Emergency

New Studies Describe How We Can Battle Climate Change and Its Effects

Two new initiatives are calling for sustainable ways to battle climate change Climate change can no longer be denied. News of its effects are scattered left, and right and calls from scientists and environmental activists to hold big companies accountable for their contribution to carbon dioxide emissions are getting louder.

Abandoned Fishing Net Kills Hundreds of Sharks

Along with plastic straws and other trash in the ocean, abandoned fishnets are rampant. However, unlike plastic straws, fishnets are specifically designed to capture and kill.

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