ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATECreating new models like this helps researchers see that the cytochrome b6f taps into the electrical currents around it to power up protons—much like plugging in a rechargeable battery.
As the dangers of global warming increases, Italy announced that learning about climate change and its effects would be complusory starting next year. It is their way to spread awarness about the environment and to educate the younger generation.
Researchers behind this study combined long-term data collated from 90 plots all over the rainforest system by the Amazon Forest Inventory Network and ForestPlots.net to track the lives and productivity of individual trees.
These fossils are dated as far back as 12,000 years ago and were found using ground-penetrating radar (GDR), a nondestructive way of 'excavating' fossils.
Neanderthals and modern humans share a lot of characteristics: they use tools, they wear clothes, and they both wear jewelry. Yep, Neanderthals wear jewelry as well.
Because of climate change and its effects on the present environmental conditions, changes can be observed in the distribution of phenotypic traits or the observable and measurable trait of an individual. Finding answers as to how these mechanisms are responsible for the changes has proven to be difficult.
The Pliosaur is a species of ancient marine reptile commonly found in the waters during the Jurassic period. They resemble a crocodile in form with massive head and strong neck muscles complete with massive teeth for hunting prey.
Winter seasons can be uncomfortable for some as it would require a lot of heating and clothes but you can help your body to adjust to the cold temperature
The research team from the University of Ribeirao Preto and Federal University of Sao Carlo brought into focus the two species of Cat's Claw and harnessed its alkaloids to produce a more potent weapon against tumors.
The first study focuses on the Amazon rainforest. Considered as the lungs of the planet, Amazon faces the threat of drying out. The second study brings us to Alaska as one of the world's thickest glaciers is recorded to be retreating.
A dramatic response to climate change is happening to Moths specifically. In Borneo, there are findings that Moths and tropical insects are getting smaller! Darwinism mandates the survival of the fittest, and this response is very marked in how hotter tropics are causing radical changes in local flora and fauna.