ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEA recent study made by scientists from Drexel University in Philadelphia claims that putting plants does not really help in removing airborne volatile organic compounds.
One of the papers focused on the diversity of plankton in the ocean and another focused on the gene expression of this species to see how they adapt to the changing environmental conditions.
Rare dragonfly fossils were found and they were from 50 million years ago. This shows how life recovered after the mass extinction of dinosaurs and it could teach us about climate change
Researchers stated that climate change will have a massive impact in Africa's Lake Victoria in the next 500 years and it could affect the livelihood and other resources of the locals.
Although dementia is known to affect older people (especially people about 65 years old), some cases of the disease can develop earlier often exhibiting different issues for the affected person.
The results of the analysis will finally be able to help researchers quantify how much the interactions between currents, climate, and sea ice changed throughout the last two decades.
Prior to this study, there are previous findings that also suggested that magnetic reconnections can also be the reason behind larger outbursts such as coronal jets, solar flares, and coronal mass ejections.
The researchers were lucky to find a three-dimensional preserved pigeon-sized bird skeleton which can largely help in understanding the evolution of birds.
According to Mingsong Li, even the slightest changes can have real effects on the sea level. For instance, if all groundwater flows to the sea, the sea level would rise up to 180 feet.