This will help researchers better study how ocean temperatures have changed over time. (Photo : Australian Institute of International Affairs) In a recent study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a group of scientists used single-cell organisms, called archaea, to better determine changes in ancient sea temperatures and conditions.
Ants are social insects with an extremely rigid hierarchy, where the whole society is divided into workers, females, and males. If these insects were bigger and a little smarter, then they could take our planet hostage, enslaving humanity. Fortunately, evolution has made a choice in our favor.
Humans fish out 6 million tons of tuna annually, and scientists say that that is unsustainable. From the basic tuna sandwich to the expertly prepared serving of sashimi and everything else in between, it's undeniable that tuna is a food item present in many modern cultures.
The Jason-2/OSTM satellite provided insights into ocean currents and sea-level rise. (Photo : NASA/JPL-Caltech) The Jason-2/Ocean Surface Topography Mission, or OSTM, has successfully ended its mission after 11 years in service.
The Visayan warty pig was seen utilizing a piece of wood as if it were a shovel. (Photo : St. Louis Zoo) Some animal species, such as chimpanzees, dolphins, and crows, have the innate ability to use inanimate objects as tools.
Lorenzo is set to arrive in Ireland as a post-tropical cyclone after hitting the British Isles. This is by far the largest recorded storm to make it so far east in the north Atlantic.
With the extreme weather conditions, plants and animals are striving to catch up and a new study shows a model that will help predict if an unprecedented change in the weather and an environment could drive an entire species into extinction.
Corals create potions that fight bacterial attackers, but warming appears to tip the scales against the potions as they battle a bacterium common in coral bleaching, according to a new study. Reef conservation may offer hope: A particular potion, gathered from reefs protected against seaweed overgrowth, proved more robust.
With the renewed push for tackling climate and environmental issues comes an added plus for banks making the switch to online services. By going green, banks are still bringing in the green. By allowing services to be conducted online, it saves a vast amount of resources.