Complex Society in Birds

Vulturine Guineafowl Exhibits Behavior Reflective of a Multilevel Society—Something Uncommon to Birds

ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATE In order for the team to support the claims of their study, they tracked social relationships during the course of the cross seasons for the 400-species population of Vulturine Guineafowl. After marking these birds, the team discovered that there are at least 18 distinct social groups within the population that are comprised of 13 to 65 individuals each.
Precious Pangolin

New Study Shows the Extent of Global Illegal Wildlife Trade

Poaching has become a greater threat than previously thought. The study surveyed 30,000 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians, and found out that the percentage of the illegally traded animals are 40-60% higher and will continue to rise unless stopped.
banana plantation

Islands in the Caribbean Poisoned by Pesticides

Chlordecone, a pesticide that was banned since 1993, has affected around 750,000 locals of Antilles. French President Emmanuel Macron is now campaigning for awareness.
Fridays for Future

Greta Thunberg Asks for Help To Reach the Climate Summit in Madrid

Because of this sudden change, Greta Thunberg is asking for help for her travel back to Europe. 16-year-old Greta Thunberg barged into the world's consciousness when she started her movement of skipping school in Sweden and stood in front of the Swedish parliament as a protest against government neglect regarding the issues the environment is facing.

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