Draconid, Orionid Meteor Showers

The best time to view the Draconid, Orionid meteor showers

A long time ago, when people stared in the sky. Sometimes they'd spy bright specs of light. Some thought they were angels or the gods dashing through the sky. In time, early astronomers developed spyglasses and telescopes with improved optics.

Newly invented bacteria eats plastic

This plastic-eating enzyme can help with the world's plastic waste problem Morgan Vague, a biology student at Reed College in Oregon, may have found a solution to one of the most urgent environmental crises in the world.
Woolly Mommath

The Last Living Mammoths Were Island Dwellers

Due to a rise in sea levels, the mammoths were stranded on an island. (Photo : FUNKMONK / CC BY-SA 2. 0) A secluded island has been confirmed as the last home to the woolly mammoth species.
The Sea

Scientists Use Microbes to Determine Ancient Sea Temperature Changes

This will help researchers better study how ocean temperatures have changed over time. (Photo : Australian Institute of International Affairs) In a recent study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a group of scientists used single-cell organisms, called archaea, to better determine changes in ancient sea temperatures and conditions.

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