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07.13.2019 06:50 AM
Sustainability in project designs is usually the winning sales pitch when it all boils down to making just one choice. Is the world of business and finance ready for that?
07.12.2019 10:51 AM
With the ongoing campaign of banning straws, a Malaysian company made edible straws so that there will be no waste when you drink
07.12.2019 10:45 AM
Environmental Justice Australia has recently released a report that sites problems in ash dumps from coal-fired plants are found in every mainland state.
07.12.2019 10:26 AM
Nearly completed and articulated the lizard shows that it was swallowed whole and head first, meaning that Microraptor fed like to living predatory birds and lizards
07.12.2019 10:24 AM
The return of both the Taiwanese Clouded Leopard and Galapagos Giant Tortoises are highly encouraging.
07.12.2019 09:36 AM
A mysterious coral disease in Florida has prompted scientists to collect the healthy coral specimen in the goal of the future restoration.
07.11.2019 11:30 AM
ECOncrete, a company based in Israel, is a startup that has come up with a solution to the problem that coastline structures have imposed on marine life.
07.11.2019 11:22 AM
Frequent drought are threatening the lives of millions of people in Somalia and people in other parts of the world could only care so much.
07.11.2019 10:54 AM
Hunters have set sail to go whaling as the country withdraws its participation from the International Whaling Commission.
07.11.2019 10:33 AM
Could turning plastic bottles into roads be the future that will help save the environment? There is a strong call to reduce and hopefully eliminate single-use plastics.
07.11.2019 10:22 AM
This renowned naturalist says that efforts to fight planet pollution must be doubled and the problem should be taken seriously.
07.11.2019 09:44 AM
The destruction of the territories of Palestine is now causing major threats in the lives of those in Israel.
07.10.2019 09:04 AM
While the sand on the beaches is still open, the state's DEQ said beachgoers should avoid water contact.
07.10.2019 09:02 AM
The recent events are what’s known as strike-slip earthquakes, which occur when two blocks of Earth shift side-by-side, grinding past each other.
07.10.2019 09:01 AM
Popular establishments such as Starbuck’s, Dunkin Donuts and McDonald’s all have plans to reduce the plastic waste they create.
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