Plastic Mailers For Recycling: How Is it Possible?

ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATE When people sort through their daily mail, they are more likely to find some junk in there somewhere. From a sales letter from an unknown company down to unnecessary materials in product packaging. Luckily, all these unwanted plastic items that people have can be recycled. After all, most mailers are composed of #2 high-density polyethylene if not the #4 low-density plastic polyethylene.

These Rocks seem like they may Topple at Any Moment. They Hold 1000 Years of Earthquake Secrets

Stacks of dead balanced giant rocks in Israel's Negev seem to defy gravity, however, a decent shake may send them tumbling. So, researchers are examining them to find out regarding earthquakes that have smitten this region over the past millennium. By evaluating the age and stability of the rocks, researchers have determined that the biggest earthquake that smitten the faults underlying the desert over the past one,300 years was possible not that huge - no bigger than a magnitude five.

Giant Plastic Trap Set Up In the Great Pacific Again

A floating device that has been specifically to catch all plastic waste floating in the ocean has been deployed in the Great Pacific. Now, it is out there again in an attempt to clean up what looks like a huge island of plastic garbage swirling between the islands of Hawaii and California.

Freshwater Reservoir Discovered Beneath The Ocean

Geologists have discovered a giant reservoir of freshwater underneath the North Atlantic ocean. While the size of this cache was rather surprising, researchers say that it shouldn't be unexpected. It was in the 1970s when first signals of the freshwater reservoir was noticed but it was not until recently that people suspected it to be a rather big one. It is trapped in porous rock that is suspected to run the entire length of the North-East side of the US.

Ocean Hues To Change By 2100

Have you seen the stunning aquamarine color of the Caribbean Sea along the borders of the Seven Mile Beach of the Cayman Islands. More than 1,500 miles away, the Atlantic Ocean fronting the Coney Island keeps its dark bluish green hue. Did you know that the Bondi Blue color of the Apple computers was named after the hue of the Tasman Sea off the coast of the Sydney beach.

Bald Eagles are Dying From Lead Poisoning

Around 7 bald eagles are found dead, and the numbers are going up at an alarming rate Necropsy results from the dead bald eagle found near Lower McDonald Creek in February in Glacier National Park have determined that the bird died of lead poisoning.

The Secret Behind Zebra's Stripes

Stripes of zebras explained There is a reason behind everything even the black and white stripes of African equids or commonly known as zebras. Before, scientists believed that the purpose of zebras stripes is to keep them cool from the heat of the sun.

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