ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEScientists report the mechanism on the disappearance of islands Things changed during the onset of the Industrial Revolution. Different developments have been made which made the life of people easier.
As the heat wave that struck the southeastern United States made its way up to Greenland, the ice-covered island recorded over 2 billion tons of ice melt in just one day.
Eighty-five percent of the city’s residents will be within one-half mile of fresh food by 2021. Atlanta has a large expanse of land, over seven acres, in fact, that wasn't being used.
The paper is a call for the uptake of these approaches to allow for a scientifically robust basis for managing for resilience in rivers under climate change
These studies suggest that something similar occurs when animals engage in natural social interactions and discover that some aspects of the animals’ social behavior can be predicted based on neural observations
Environmental rehabilitation is happening in other parts of the world, too. New Zealand is getting closer to finalizing their plan to plant 1 billion trees, according to Stuff.
Constant rain showers has led to flooding that left farms in the Midwest to suffer. Infrastructure damages along with all the crops that had gone to waste -- all these have been the result of devastatingly strong rainfall that led to flooding.
Researchers said that these animals are among the most essential in the river and this ecosystem Scientists have discovered a new genus and species of worm-like freshwater clam, commonly known as a shipworm, eats rock and expels sands as scat while it burrows like an ecosystem engineer in the Abatan River in the Philippines.
Alien species are the primary driver of recent extinctions in both animals and plants, so there is a clear and urgent need for better biosecurity measures to prevent or mitigate the impact of future invasions and protect endangered native species