Scientists discover reasons why there are simultaneous extreme heat occurrences in two regions Recent decades have been witness to the increase in the global frequency of extreme heat because of global climate change.
Researchers discovered that by adding a new element the panels would yield even more power. (Photo : ecosolarceo) home with solar panel installation One way to cope with the growing demand in energy supply is by harvesting solar energy.
Downsizing to a tiny house can help you adopt to an environmentally friendly lifestyle There is a sudden increase in interest in living in tiny houses, these are livable units that usually measure under 400 square feet.
Among the many land use change drivers, our future land footprint will mainly depend on the interplay between population growth, agricultural efficiency, land use regulation, and consumption changes
Scientists discover how some corals can provide hope to the oceans Corals are considered not only as one of the most important creatures in oceans for they do not only add beauty to it but they also provide homes for different marine animals especially fish.
Scientists discover ancient sea creatures in amber Amber is a natural gemstone that is known to contain creatures from million years ago. Typical creatures found on it are plants and insects given that it is created by plant resins.
Asia creates tons of plastic waste, but some Asian companies are trying to make a difference. Indonesia is home to the most polluted river in the world, the Citarum River.