Plastics are excellent materials: extremely versatile and almost eternally durable. But this is also exactly the problem, because, after only about 100 years of producing plastics, plastic particles are now found everywhere - in groundwater, in the oceans, in the air, and in the food chain.
Ozone pollution reduced even when electricity is produced by combustion sources EVANSTON, Ill. -- If you have ever wondered how much electric vehicle (EV) adoption actually matters for the environment, a new study provides evidence that making this switch would improve overall air quality and lower carbon emissions.
A game-changer in the planet-hunting matter The Transmitting Exoplanets Survey Satellite of NASA just discovered a nearby system that hosts the first Earth-size planet and also a warm sub-Neptune-size world.
What people often overlook is the fact that sustainable living is about making the right choices and the design of the products that people choose is what is making climate change problem worse.
Scientists discover how to degrade plastic through cricket bacteria US researchers discovered a microorganism in greenhouse camel crickets that can break down lignin from wood.