ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEFossil of two mammal species unearthed from Beijing, China that was suggested as the oldest winged mammals. Lead researcher Dr. Zhe-Xi Luo found out that those specimens were from Jurassic period and gymnosperm plants were their main diet.
Europe is witnessing the severe impact of high temperature due to the heat wave “Lucifer”. Europe is experiencing the impact of a new heat wave called "Lucifer".
A recent research study has suggested that the Earth will experience an increment by 1.3-degree warming even after reducing the emission of the greenhouse gas.
Lower Carpenter Valley near Lake Tahoe now opens to scatter its mesmerizing beauty to the visitors as ‘secret garden’ floods with wildflowers and rare birds.
A researcher from Arizona State University has discovered that ant colony is a brutal working space for worker ants. The research discovered that ant colonies have to be very efficient with a sole focus to keep the colony survives.
A series of scientific papers pointed out the possible backfire of climate change campaign that focuses on minimalist claims. The papers argued such campaigns have led distraction from more urgent matters in the climate issues.
Latest archaeological excavation in Northern Australia has discovered that human being has lived there 65 thousand years ago. This baffled scientists as it showed the Aboriginal society in Australia was far older than previously estimated.