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06.26.2017 07:49 AM
Earth could get hit by an asteroid any time, experts warn ahead of Asteroid Day. Nobody could predict what will happen to Earth but change is inevitable and the people must be prepared for it.
06.19.2017 05:50 AM
The Unexpected motion of the Arctic sea ice has finally prevented the Canadian Arctic climate change study.
06.19.2017 05:46 AM
Researchers from two different universities were reported to develop a solar material that produces clean and green hydrogen fuel.
06.19.2017 05:45 AM
Two researchers recently pointed out that the lost Pink and White Terraces lies 10 to 15 meters below the surface of New Zealand.
06.16.2017 09:29 AM
Total solar eclipse on Aug. 21 that will pass over California is expected to lead to partial solar power loss.
06.16.2017 09:26 AM
Fishermen recently caught rare two-headed harbor porpoise in the North Sea in Netherlands that probably breathed its last soon after birth.
06.15.2017 06:20 AM
The crew of the Blue Ocean Whale Watch boat recently spotted a young albino Risso’s dolphin in the Monterey Bay in California.
06.15.2017 06:12 AM
Romania has recently passed a bill to implement a ban on the use of the wild animals in circuses for the public amusement.
06.14.2017 18:14 PM
A joint mission between NOAA and the U.S. Coast Guard has discovered the wreck of the historic U.S. Coast Guard Cutter McCulloch that sunk after its collision with a civilian steamship in 1917.
06.14.2017 18:07 PM
These three living things are recorded as the oldest living things on Earth, find out the details and their secret of longevity.
06.14.2017 17:09 PM
A new crystallized from of DDT will be about to replace the existing DDT today. It is because the new form had been proved to be more effective and safer.
06.14.2017 17:08 PM
Female zombie beetles which had been infected by a fungus has a unique way to spread the infection. The female zombie beetles will use their attraction to make love with the males, thus spreading spores carrying fungus on them .
06.14.2017 16:22 PM
NASA JPL scientists predict that the future will be rainier than expected through their predictive climate models.
06.14.2017 13:52 PM
The Antarctic Heritage Trust discovered a 118-year-old watercolor painting hidden in a historic hut in Antarctica.
06.13.2017 17:28 PM
A researcher at the Oxford University has discovered a water transition in space, which has never seen before and will provide a deeper understanding of the universe.
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