ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEA midden is not just an ordinary waste dump today compared in ancient times. It is because archeologists, finds treasures and stories of the old civilization in the waste dump. Now, four ceramic archaic heads are discovered in an ordinary waste dump.
Archicebus Achilles is the known earliest primates before skeletons and fossils of the Torrejonia was discovered. Both are known tree-dwellers a few years after the dinosaur times.
Researchers from the University of Bristol have found the evidence that Amazon rainforest is far more resilient to deforestation than previously estimated.
Details, locations, and precautions about the upcoming Total Solar Eclipse this August explained. People all over the United States are reported to witness the rare total solar eclipse once again this year amid the years that had passed since it was seen.
Recently eight horse images are discovered in the Xiangshan Mountains in China. Archaeologists have recently discovered eight horse images in the Xiangshan Mountains in China.
The disease continuously plagues the United States and is steadily rising with new bacteria and virus being discovered. Scientists encourage victims to seek immediate medication and treatment as mite and tick-born diseases lead to brain damage if left untreated.
A new species of glass frog was discovered by scientists in Amazonian Ecuador. A recently discovered new species of frogs, particularly from a group called grass frogs, were found in the Amazonian Ecuador.
A study shows that climate change could have an economic effect on the world's biggest cities. A new study shows that overheated cities facing climate change would cost at least twice as big as the rest of the world.
A fossil of a giant prehistoric sea monster was found and given a name Luskhan Itilensis. The sea creature is not a dinosaur but existed during its times.
With the 17 percent reduction in its budget, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will focus more on its current satellite program.