CHEMISTRYCan a snowflake have a twin? How do they really form their unique shapes? Find the answers here. A research from turfs University unleashed a new perspective on the beyond the 400-year-old question of the world famous mathematician and scientist Johannes Kepler, how are snowflakes really formed? Kepler has only speculated about the hexagonal shape and the microscopic building blocks of this crystal ice, including the factors behind this phenomenon.
Visit these top five cities before they disappear from the map. The threat of surging sea level has been a major problem in some areas of the world. Also, large coastal cities sinking faster than oceans can rise.
As scientists have announced the finding that hominid, known as Homo Naledi, lived alongside the modern human, questions about human evolution become more complex.
Avocado is a fruit rich in taste and health benefits. The demand outstripped the supply as close to a 100 million Chinese would like a piece of the fruit.
While it is hard to find traces of rocks that are from billions of years ago, ANU found zircon grains that gave a clue about the flat, ocean-enveloped earth of the period.
A debate about shark culling is heating up in Australia due to several human casualties. Environmental experts warned that culling may result to oceanic ecosystem imbalance,