ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATETwo scientists have found out that the Arctic warming might increase the possibilities of having extreme cold events in the Eurasian region.
Scientists now discover the type of environment in which the earliest homo, human’s own genus used to live millions of years ago, i.e. these ancestors had a grassy beginning.
Unprecedented numbers of trees are being damaged by pests and diseases in Southern California. Procedures are being made to either save the trees or to replace them.
A Portland State University biology professor Luis Ruedas found out that South American cottontail rabbit, which has been existing for centuries in the continent, is different than other cottontail rabbits.
Ed Hawkins has updated the viral temperature spiral as a celebration for his birthday. The rainbow-colored, animated temperature spiral that became viral for showing the rising temperature of the world for centuries will be getting a new update as a celebration for the creator's birthday.
The Negribreen Glacier was witnessed by ESA's satellites to be surging in a rapid speed. Researchers were surprised as the Arctic Negribreen glacier was discovered to be moving thirteen times faster than before.