CHEMISTRYThe sponges were collected in Guam and following the laboratory analysis, scientists found it produces a toxic compound similar to the artificial fire retardant.
The majesty of the glaciers found at the Glacier National Park in Montana, USA will soon disappear due to its meltdown caused by Global Warming. Scientists are helpless at this point in stopping the effects of Climate Change.
Recently a group of paleobotanist found the fossilized flower in Argentina which belongs to Buckthorn family. The fossil is located in the shales of the Salamanca Formation.
A number of Pennsylvania water wells contain radon that is the second leading cause of lung cancer. Some water wells in Pennsylvania become the sources of the high levels of radon.
Glaciologist at Cambridge University, Hamish Pritchard has conducted a study of Asia's glaciers and how they might be impacted by global warming. In his paper published in the journal Nature, he describes the nature of the glaciers that exist in the high mountains of Asia,
Experts are on a serious quest to combat bacterial infections as researchers from Frankfurt made a critical discovery on how body cells fight salmonella bacteria.
In a recent incident, the quarantine authorities of Australia detected a dead black-spined toad in a passenger’s shoe and urged the travelers to check their luggage to avert such incident.
Plutonium sheds light to a new discovery for its use to clean up nuclear waste. The Hanford, Washington State underground tunnel collapse is a wake up call to expedite their research for its disposl. Hanford contains 56 million gallons of radioactive waste kept in underground storage tanks.
Tassie Devils are now in big trouble due to the harmful advent of DFTD disease; surprising movement of the infection also discovered in a new study; know more here
The same plant species can be genetically modified to create different types of vegetables. This practice has been done for several thousands of years ago.
A newly discovered molecule called Rhodopsin 7 acts as a light-sensing molecule in fruit fly brain. Scientists from the University of California started a light cycle test to chek the expression pattern of Rh7 in fruit flies.
USCGC Tamaroa is the hero of the movie "The Perfect Storm" and the ocean is its befitting resting place, will be in service still as an artificial reef.