ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEThe bone diseases such as osteoporosis are not innate to humans after all. A study suggests that mammoth acquired them due to lack of minelrals in their diet.
Storm Muifa seen by NASA's Aqua Satellite continues to move with high intensity towards Iwo Jima, Ogasawara Archipelago. 3-D imaging captures infrared images that show strongest storms in specific areas that can be struck with heavy rainfall.
Hard Himalayan rocks, melting glaciers and floods are among the silent threats to Himalayan people. Due to earthquakes and storms in the Himalaya, the effect of deadly floods has increased tremendously in one of the most densely populated areas in the world.
Megafaunal animals like mammoths and saber-toothed cats may have been extinct because of receiving too much moisture as a result of climate change, a new study suggests.
Beheaded dinosaur finally got his head after a century. paleontologists from the University of Alberta has found that the dinosaur is a Corythosaurus and its skull is kept at the university's Paleontology museum since 1920.
Environmental groups in Ohio and Michigan sued the US Environmental Protection Agency last Tuesday because allegations of mistreating the Lake Erie. They are also urging EPA to declare it as impared.
Extracting proteins is possible now with the help of DNA that can encode majority of functions that keep living cells alive from even 80-million-old dinosaur bones.
Fossils found in South Africa's Northern Cape Province were 2600 feet beneath. If it verified as both multicellular and fungal, it can be the 2.4 billion-year-old minuscule creatures.
Hotter temperatures means more water is evaporated to the sky. Once the atmosphere releases the heavy load it absorbed, a downpour will occur delivering more flood in a rush and back again. The rushing of water back to the sea will cause water fro the soil to evaporate keaving it parched and dry, drought is in the air.
The effects of climate changing have been affecting wildlife as the most comprehensive study on Antarctica’s penguin revealed that birds in the region are short in number.
Rising sea levels are destroying the coral reefs that we are dependent upon for myriads of things. Protecting of these flowers of the sea means securing the coastal communities from storms, erosion, and tsunamis. Tourism will also be affected once coral reefs are depleted.