Find out how researchers solved the mystery of Antarctica's red waterfall here. Blood Falls found in Taylor Valley, Antarctica has a century-old mystery that baffles scientists up until now.
Antarctica's Larsen-C ice shelves were discovered to be caused by downhill föhn winds. After Antarctica’s Larsen A and B had cracked, its Larsen-C ice shelf was reported to be on the verge of break away as well.
Global Precipitation Measurement Mission satellite of NASA has captured tropical storms forming in Pacific ocean. The radar instruments of GPM has mapped a 3D imaging of the convective storm towers that helped scientists to analyze the speed and altitude of the storms.
Algae, sourced from brackish water, is being eyed as the future source of biofuel. Algae could provide a more sustainable alternative source of biofuel according to a study made by researchers from the Kobe University Graduate School of Science, Technology, and Innovation.
The male northern white rhino 'Sudan' is his race's last hope. Kenyan rangers are guarding him 24 hours a day
as he is the only male survivor left worldwide.
Earth was first started in America in 1970 as a day to praise the planet. It is celebrated every year to raise public awareness about environment safety.
Researchers analyzed green algae, red algae, and glaucophytes to find the origin of photosynthesis. Glaucophyte Cyanophora paradoxa and cyanobacteria have the similar respiratory effect on photosynthesis
A recent study about the impact of hydraulic fracturing in West Virginia water reserve shows that although the practice does not affect the ground water, but it contaminates the surface water.