ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEAt the time of subtropical depression, the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission, known as GPM satellite flew over the area and successfully marked the places that had the heaviest rainfall.
Little Ripper drones are helicopter like structures with the capabilities of autopilot. These battery powered devices are loaded with UTS software system for the aerial surveillance and shark detection.
The origin of the 'hobbits' or Homo floresiensis was finally revealed. The origin of Indonesian 'hobbits' was finally revealed. The study claims that the Homo Floresiensis evolved from African ancestors, not from Java.
Research found that flowers believed to have evolved to lure hummingbirds really showed combinations of traits to keep away bumblebees, whose visits were 'wasteful' for the plants.
The crack in Antarctica’s Larsen-C ice shelf continually grows at an alarming rate. Scientists foresee that it will the biggest in the history to be recorded.
In 1898, two lions regularly targeted a camp by the Tsavo River to prey on workers, killing 35 of them within a span of nine months. The analysis of preserved carcasses of these lions revealed that it was mainly their bad teeth that forced them to choose soft human targets.
The approach from the scientists utilizes mathematics, statistics and ecology for understanding better the role of these predator animals in the marine ecosystem and the ability for returning to an ecosystem after being absent for so long.
The Barnacle geese had been studied by the Netherlands Institute of Ecology to predict climate change and its acceleration led by Ecologist Thomas Lameris.
Find out interesting facts from the study about the naked mole rats here. Naked mole rats are known to be bizarre looking creatures living in the tunnels of East Africa.
Nature in Colombia is a "mega-diverse", home to about 10% of the planet's aggregate biodiversity and very nearly one in 20 of all plant species around the world.
Apart from previous theory on how the megafauna such as the giant sloths and mammoths became extinct, a new study blames the wetter season for the loss of vegetation and food.