ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEIt's a boy! Zoo confirms April the giraffe's calf is a male. Animal Adventure Park proprietor Jordan Patch live-streamed April the giraffe's birthing procedure on YouTube.
Eroding shell mounds at the Edisto Beach of South Carolina has unveiled new artifacts that show the life of nomadic tribes that thrived in the are thousands of years ago.
An interaction between aerosols and sunlight has pushed for the mysterious formation of carbon-containing particles in the atmosphere. Can this be the primary source of energy to sustain life on Earth millions of years ago?
After years of suffering the Great Barrier Reef has begun to die at an advanced rate and scientists fear that the damage is now irreversible and that this wonder of the world may be a thing of the past.
NASA Captured a huge crack in Petermann Glacier, Greenland during the airborne mission named, Operation IceBridge. The gigantic crack was first captured by Delft University of Technology scientist Stef Lhermitte while examining the photographs with satellite images.
A total of 47 humpback whales have been tagged by scientists to track their movements in breeding areas. This initiative will help in understanding their movement pattern and protecting them.
Find out all about the edible water bottle product here. Ooho is a drinking water product created by a startup known as Skipping Rocks Lab. The product is reported to hype up the internet due to making “eating water” possible and getting rid of plastic bottles at the same time.
It's been known by everyone that nutrients are associated with the growth of bacteria and their cell division. Scientists from UC San Diego found in their recent study that how bacteria cell divides when there is veery few amount of nutrients available.
An elk hunter discovers a fossilized prehistoric sea creature that existed 70 million years ago. It belonged to the group of elasmosaurs found elsewhere, but turned out to be a never-before-discovered species.
A nearly complete skull of saber-toothed cat has excited the scientific community. This find will be of immense help in getting insights into the sensory capabilities of this ferocious carnivore.
Despite the lethal snout with teeth, sawfish is no match for the powerful jaws of the crocodile. It has become a struggle for survival for sawfish due to its two main predators – crocodiles and bull sharks.
The university of Exeter scientists trying to understand the evolutionary advantages behind the vision of dichromats and trichromats. scientists showed pictures of nightjar bird to both normal and simulated colorblind condition to find them and their eggs.