ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEUnlike any other species of animals, It is the male Seahorse that gives birth to its offsprings. The female seahorses deposit their egg in the male's pouches which are then fertilized by him.
Scientists found that those puffins who remained loyal to each other and followed similar migratory routes after winter tend to breed more successfully.
Nepal poachers have killed a rare one-horned rhino inside their national park. A rare one-horned rhino has been killed in Nepal's national park. Authorities have said that it was poachers who killed the rare rhino.
Life needs water, and Earth is the only planet to have it. Now, Ultraviolet radiation from the Sun is a known to hazard to life, yet the energy provided by our star has played an important role as the essential driver of life on Earth.
Scientists found how mutations are associated with the sex-linked barring pattern on the feather of some chicken breeds. Coucou de Rennes, which is one of the most popular french breeds has two different types of mutations.
Cave loach, a species of cave-dwelling fish, has been found for the first time in Europe. This rare find was a chance discovery by a German cave explorer.
According to a new research, the eastern part of the Arctic Ocean gains temperature and loses its fundamental characters and experiencing “Atlantification”.
There are so many myths about the spiders in Australia. Researchers found that not all infections are caused by the venoms from spider bites, some of them are also caused by bacteria infections.
Octopi and squids can rewrite their genome by RNA editing, which makes them smarter than other organisms. Scientists from Marine Biological Laboratory(MBL) has found a cephalopod brain can transcript up to 60 percent of RNA during rewriting event.