ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEafter a decade of opening the largest seed vault in the World again deposited with 50,000 seed samples. Most of the seeds were collected from Lebanon, Morocco, India, Pakistan, Mexico, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus and the UK. Syria becomes the first country to withdraw seeds from that Gene bank.
10 new species added to the list of sea creatures. MARCO team used their advanced Remotely Operated Vehicle(ROV) to explore at the deepest point of Atlantic.
Drexel scientists finally to eyeless fish which is not more than an inch long. the specimens were caught between 1978 and 1979 from the river of Ontario.
Researchers have found a new way to measure the evolutionary rate of enigmatic creatures giving credence to Darwin's theory of 'living fossils'. They studied the tuatara.
Biologists have found a way to monitor dolphins even if they are not around. Using cutting-edge cameras, the dolphins can be monitored underwater to see its behaviors and activities.
If humans would help in decreasing the black carbon causing air pollution instead of increasing it will cause great help in the Arctic sea ice. Scientists foresee human help in this goal to decrease the effects of air pollution in the Arctic region.
Despite a tiny brain size, Bumblebees show great intelligence and learning capability. They constntly learn new things from one another and develop their skills.
Scientists found 520 million years old fossil of Trilobite from the upstate of New York. the specimen was fossilized at pyrite. Lead researcher Thomas A. Hegna and his team found eggs from the back of their head.
Rare fossils of giant rodents were found. It has changed the family tree of rodents. There were two almost complete sets of skull rat fossils that were found in South America.
Aside from aerial photography, drones or “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles” can be utilized in conducting bird surveys. Ecologists have accomplished a feasibility study using the said device.
A recent study holds the physical phenomenon "ageing" responsible for the prediction of earthquakes but predicting its timing and impact remains inconclusive.
Accounting to the death of millions of marine lives, Lamprey remains one of the most barbaric fish predators. Scientists are trying various innovative ways to combat the ferocious sea evil.
UCSB researchers and colleagues conducted an eight-year-long study of a healthy shark population. A team of scientists investigated the size of an unfished community of reef sharks which will help in getting the clear picture of the shark population.