ENVIRONMENT & CLIMATEscientists from the University of Wisconsin and the Northwestern University found the evidence of “Chaotic Solar System”. The team analyzed the 90-Million-Year-Old Sedimentary Rocks In Colorado to prove the theory that was first proposed in 1989.
If joined together, the mounds made by the cathedral termites will stand fourt times over the worl'd tallest building. A new study claims Australian termites migration was quite similar to humans.
NASA research about snow has started. The aircraft SnowEx has completed its first test flights. NASA's mission to see how much water Earth has is on the go.
Mobbing not only saves the birds from its predators but also in the process makes them showcase their courage, strength and defending skills. A new study also associates the behaviour with being sexually attractive to the opposite sex.
scientists found 400 million years old fossil of an extinct worm from Royal Ontario Museum. The specimen had been kept for more than a decade. The extinct gigantic species had more than one-centimeter long jaw that made the immense predator during the period.
India’s only volcano, the Barren Volcano is active once again. India's only volcano is said to be active again. The only volcano of the very vast country, in the Barren Island is active again as scientists saw it spewed out lava and smoke.
Earth has higher levels of heavy iron isotope relative to other planets. Light iron isotopes may have been vaporized into space by a large impact with another planet that formed the moon.
NASA has seen tropical cyclone Bart developed in South Pacific ocean. There has been a development with the new tropical cyclone Bart. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer or MODIS instrument in NASA's Aqua satellite has observed Bart.
One of the most mysterious and weird underwater creature, 'Tully' Monster was earlier believed to be related to fish but a recent study contradicts that claim.
India has recently discovered 7 new small species of frogs. India has discovered seven new night frogs. The new species of frogs were discovered in the Western side of Ghats.
Scientists figured out Britain's basking sharks swim south during winter months to get some sun. Scientists used satellite data to track the movement of basking sharks.