NASA’s SnowEx Completes First Test Flights

NASA research about snow has started. The aircraft SnowEx has completed its first test flights. NASA's mission to see how much water Earth has is on the go.

India’s Only Active Volcano Wakes Up From Deep Slumber

India’s only volcano, the Barren Volcano is active once again. India's only volcano is said to be active again. The only volcano of the very vast country, in the Barren Island is active again as scientists saw it spewed out lava and smoke.

Tropical Cyclone Bart Develops In South Pacific Ocean

NASA has seen tropical cyclone Bart developed in South Pacific ocean. There has been a development with the new tropical cyclone Bart. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer or MODIS instrument in NASA's Aqua satellite has observed Bart.

India Discovers 7 New Tiny Frogs

India has recently discovered 7 new small species of frogs. India has discovered seven new night frogs. The new species of frogs were discovered in the Western side of Ghats.

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