Scientists Might Have Found The Oldest Fossils In Canada

Scientists may have found the oldest fossil on Earth in Canada. Scientists have found some small tubes and filaments in a Canadian rock. These things might be the oldest known fossil on Earth, according to them.

Mysterious Bronze Aged Dolmen Discovered In The Galilee Hill In Jerusalem

Israeli archeologists have unearthed a rare and mysterious Bronze Age dolmen in the Galilee hills, the Israel Antiquities Authority said.This is the first art ever documented in a dolmen in the Middle East, was recently discovered next to Kibbutz Shamir in the Upper Galilee.

Photos Collected Revealed EPA Significance in America

Over the years, EPA had limited the use of three pollutants, unburnt hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide. Also, air pollution was reduced due to regulations on emissions and fuel economy since 2012.

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