NANOTECHNOLOGYThe newly developed microrobots safely removed pneumonia-causing bacteria in the lungs and led to 100-percent survival. Read to know more about the invention.
A new study shows that unborn babies react to taste and smell, giving insight into how human taste and smell receptors develop in the womb. Read the article to learn more.
A study found that the remedy called “deep brain stimulation” can offer substantial relief to as many as two-thirds of the OCD patients. Read to know more.
Parents have been warned that hazardous diet pills are being promoted on social media. These are drugs used to treat other conditions. Read to know more about it.
The new study demonstrated for the first time how nightmares are linked to dementia risk and cognitive decline among healthy adults. Read the article for more details.
Nanoparticles can be used as powerful vehicles to provide vaccines and stop severe illness and deliver chemotherapeutic drugs to cancer cells. Read to know more.
A study found the combination of carbon dioxide and two chemicals elicits an odor causing a mosquito to find and land on its victim. Read to know more.
A recent study found that people who sleep for longer than eight hours and those who go to bed before 9pm are at a high risk of acquiring dementia. Read to know more.
A new tool using silver nanoparticles is used for the early detection of hypertension. How can this new tool help treat the disease? Read to know more.
Florida health officials were notified of an infant less than two months old who developed a rash and cellulitis, testing positive for monkeypox. Read the article to learn more.
A Crocodile handler miraculously escaped death after a 16-foot crocodile launched an attack on him in front of terrified tourists. Read to know more about it.
Lobsters throw throughout their distinctively long lives. How is it linked to the lifespan of humans? Read to know the association between humans and lobsters.