Spanish firm Bioinicia recently announced it developed a special mask with a filtration efficacy that can deactivate various coronavirus types in two hours.
Dementia is a common neurodegenerative disorder that occurs in older people. It affects the memory, and over time the person can no longer function properly. But can people die from dementia?
Taking certain steps like maintaining cholesterol, checking vitamin D level, taking supplements, eating whole plant foods keeps your brain young & active
Different health conditions can result from eating too many potato chips. 5 of them include cancer, high blood pressure, depression, weight gain, and stroke.
Israel, who vaccinated a larger share of its population than any other country, warned the first Pfizer vaccine dose seems "less effective" than expected.
To learn more about the startup that could revolutionize both genetics and machine learning, CEO and Co-Founder Einat Metzer walked us through Emedgene's goals and visions.
Asthma happens every 10 seconds in the UK every day. Asthma remains a persistent illness around the world, given that there is no treatment. However, persons suffering from such sickness could still manage it with a mixture of regular and rescue drugs.
A new study presented that Pfizer and BioNTech vaccines are likely to be effective against the highly-communicable mutant strain of COVID-19 discovered in the UK.
Researchers surveyed students enrolled in an online class and found the real reason why many of them opted not to open their cameras during an online class.