Seniors, perhaps more than any other demographic in both developed and developing countries, struggle with isolation. Seniors disproportionately live in rural areas, are often in eldercare and senior living situations which make socializing and visitation with friends and family difficult, have mobility issues that make getting out and having experiences challenging and, certainly during the pandemic, are sometimes forced to remain inside and isolated for their own safety.
Scientists found that people who like villains most likely have the dark triad personality. In every story, there is good and evil. Most people would probably choose the good guy and hate the villain.
Scientists are finding out how to stop the transmission of new COVID-19 mutations around the world. They told the general public not to worry just yet.
Researchers found out that sleep period fluctuates over the 29.5-day lunar phase. Recent research shows that on nights leading up to the full moon, people go to bed a bit later and sleep for shorter amounts of time.
A study recently showed that treatment for COVID-19 derived from a rare sea animal and historically used for cancer treatment is more efficient by 27.5 times than the popular COVID-19 drug remdesivir.
2020 has given rise to some unique challenges for the healthcare industry. With social distancing and lockdown policies in place, patient care as we knew it had to adapt to the limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The announcement that the new COVID-19 variant spreading in Britain could be more fatal and more communicable. Fresh concerns have been stimulated as well about the strain that has swept several counties.
After testing positive from COVID-19, a gorilla in San Diego Zoo Safari Park has received a monoclonal antibody therapy. The veterinary believed that it played a significant part in the gorilla's recovery.
Leading health experts agree that double masking increases protection against the COVID-29 virus. Leading health experts argue that using two masks on top of each other could further help stop the spread of the dreaded COVID-19.