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01.16.2021 21:40 PM
Scientists do not see the anaphylaxis risk to the COVID-19 vaccine. But the CDC suggests you should not get the COVID-19 vaccine if you have allergies.
01.16.2021 01:48 AM
Recent research finding shows convalescent plasma does not benefit people who are hospitalized with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection.
01.15.2021 23:13 PM
Scientists look at other coronaviruses to know what will happen to COVID-19 once the pandemic is over.
01.15.2021 03:50 AM
Joe is the racing pigeon that traveled from the US to Australia who is set to be killed due to violating Australia's quarantine laws.
01.15.2021 03:25 AM
Experiment shows some memories are encoded in molecules that form part of a snail's genetic machinery, researchers claim.
01.15.2021 02:15 AM
Cardiovascular disease is one of the most-frequently occurring top health conditions in every country worldwide, and a new study found that it can be predicted through cortisol in hair.
01.15.2021 00:24 AM
Research finds possible biomarkers in paternal sperm to determine the likeliness of fathering a child with autism.
01.14.2021 21:37 PM
Cervical cancer is among the most preventable cancers. Cervical cancer awareness month is a good reminder to have your cervical organs checked.
01.14.2021 21:00 PM
SARS-CoV-2, may have originated in bats, but how it gets transmitted to people has now been the subject of strong speculation and is currently being investigated by the World Health Organization (WHO).
01.14.2021 19:17 PM
Are anti-nutrients harmful? A nutritionist explains how these seemingly harmful elements of food are essential in our daily diet.
01.14.2021 03:40 AM
Present means of combating bacteria are not as good as they used to be anymore because of our resistance to antibiotics.
01.14.2021 03:15 AM
Japanese researchers found a group of neurons in the brain of a mouse that suppresses unwanted movement in REM sleep.
01.14.2021 01:24 AM
Research shows that a six-month low-carb diet increases remission of type-2 diabetes. Many are drawn to low-carb diets due to their benefits, especially in weight loss.
01.14.2021 01:08 AM
Cloacas are normal in most animals. But when humans have cloacal malformation, it poses serious health risks.
01.14.2021 01:01 AM
Recent research has found that there could be higher stress-coping abilities among working people who often take walks in woods or greenspaces.
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