Chardynne Joy H. Concio

Are Crows the Smartest Birds on Earth?

Here is a compiled list of studies conducted on crows suggesting their high levels of intelligence. We are all familiar with the songbird or parrot species of bird.

Europe Government Funds Pilot Construction of Eco-Friendly Gin Distillery

Orkney Distilling Ltd. might be the first distillery to be powered by green energy from hydrogen. Earlier this year, the Department of Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy, or BEIS, held the Industrial Fuel Switching Competition in the hopes of putting in an early investment into fuel switching processes and technologies in the industrial setting.

Research Team Creates Artificial Chameleon Skin

The nanoparticles enclosed in polymer shells reacted to heat and light to change colors. By now, we have seen how technology is inspired by the natural world in so many ways.

Media Uses Sarcastic Humor to Explain Bias in Medicine

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver discussed how gender and racial bias in medicine exists. Last Sunday, Last Week Tonight TV show host John Oliver started a discussion on a serious reality in a rather humorous way.

Is the Brazilian President Responsible for the Burning Amazon?

Criticism of the Brazilian president is coming from various platforms and outlets. The Amazon is on fire and its burning at an unprecedented rate. The National Institute for Space Research, or Inpe, said its satellite data shows an 84 percent increase from this time last year, citing that nearly 370 square miles had been lost in June alone.

Trying to Solve the Mystery of Skeleton Lake

A shallow body of water filled with hundreds of human skeletons. High in the Himalayan Mountains of India there lies a shallow body of water called Roopkund Lake.

OpticSELINE Could Possibly Restore the Sight of the Blind

The electrode works by stimulating the optic nerve with light sensation. Researchers from Switzerland and Italy have teamed up to develop the OpticSELINE, a device with intraneural electrodes that stimulate the optic nerve with light sensation in the hopes of activating the visual cortex-in other words, restoring the sight of the blind.

Newly Discovered Plastic Waste Looks Just Like Pebbles

Scientists have discovered plastic waste that is perfectly hidden in plain sight. As we are well aware, plastic pollution has made its way to the deepest depth of the oceans, the Mariana Trench and has been discovered at the world's highest point, the peak of Mt.

Iceland Holds Funeral Service for Glacier

The ceremony was held on Sunday, August 18.As climate change continues to be a substantial threat to Earth, it is obvious that more awareness is required.

A New Member of the Carbon Family is Born

Scientists have been successful in isolating an 18-atom ring of carbons in the lab. Chemists and physicists in Zurich have recently been successful in isolating a molecule made of 18 carbon atoms in a ring in a recent report in ScienceMag.
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