Chardynne Joy H. Concio

Carbon Dioxide Emissions May Trigger a Devastating Reflex in the Carbon Cycle, Study Finds

Surpassing a “carbon threshold” could lead to mass extinction. Daniel Rothman, professor of geophysics and co-director of the Lorenz Center in MIT's Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, has found that when the rate at which carbon dioxide enters the oceans pushes past a certain threshold - whether as the result of a sudden burst or a slow, steady influx - the Earth may respond with a runaway cascade of chemical feedbacks, leading to extreme ocean acidification that dramatically amplifies the effects of the original trigger.

NASA’s Fuel-less Space Engine Has Been Tested

EmDrive, the physics-defying contraption ostensibly produces thrust, no fuel required. Spaceflight is hard. Blasting heavy cargo, spacecraft, and maybe people to respectable speeds over interplanetary distances requires an amount of propellant too massive for current rockets to haul into the void.

Bees Declared To Be The Most Important Living Being On Earth

Seventy percent of the world’s agriculture depends entirely on bees. The bees have been declared the most important living beings on this planet, the Earthwatch Institute concluded in the last meeting of the Royal Geographical Society of London.

Scientists Discover Frozen Methane Dunes on Pluto

Something weird is at work on the cold, dark plains of Pluto, where hundreds of regularly spaced ridges look a bit like an alien thumbprint pressed into extraterrestrial ice. Today, though, researchers report in the journal Science that the strange landscape is actually a dune field crafted from methane "sand."

A Mushroom that Lives Solely on Plastic Has Been Discovered

Plastic waste is one of the biggest environmental issues of our time. And while a straw ban is not the way we're going to solve it, people everywhere are looking for ways to reduce plastic use and mitigate the effects of waste. From handing out plastic bags with embarrassing labels to removing the plastic from six-packs to harnessing the power of a plastic-eating mutant bacteria, more and more of us are working to find solutions to a growing global program.

Aerogel Could Revolutionize Solar Energy Collection

The material lets sunlight pass through easily but blocks solar heat from escaping. A newly developed material that is so perfectly transparent you can barely see it could unlock many new uses for solar heat.

Securing Cell-killing Treatments in Tumors After Injection

Attaching a Velcro-like molecule may prevent immune proteins from leaking out after injection. Cytokines, small proteins released by immune cells to communicate with each other, have for some time been investigated as a potential cancer treatment.

How Cutlery Evolved into a Major Environmental Threat

Plastic eating utensils are everywhere, and most of them are used only once. Billions of forks, knives, and spoons are thrown away each year. But like other plastic items such as bags and bottles-cutlery can take centuries to break down naturally, giving the plastic waste ample time to work its way into the environment.

Giant Golden Asteroid Prompts Intergalactic Mining Race Discussion

The massive quantities of gold, iron and nickel contained in this asteroid are mind-blowing. Whether it was the Big Bang, Midas or God himself, we don't really need to unlock the mystery of the origins of gold when we've already identified an asteroid worth $700 quintillion in precious heavy metals.

Siberian Cat is Fitted with Prosthetic Paws After Frostbite

An adorable cat who lost all four of his paws to frostbite has been fitted with a new set of titanium feet. Abandoned tom Ryzhik was out in -40C temperatures in Siberia, causing gangrene which led to him having his paws removed. Normally, injuries like this would result in the cat being put to sleep.

Google’s Chat: The Android Version of iMessage

Chat will exist in Android Messages and in Samsung Messages. Google is bringing its version of iMessage to Android. Starting in the UK and France later this month, people with Android phones will be able to opt into the new texting service, which Google calls Chat.

Atlanta’s 7-Acre Free Food Forest

Eighty-five percent of the city’s residents will be within one-half mile of fresh food by 2021. Atlanta has a large expanse of land, over seven acres, in fact, that wasn't being used.
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