Chardynne Joy H. Concio
Survey Shows Last Year as the Largest Loss of Honeybees Ever Recorded
Research Suggests that T-Rex Had a Remarkable Sense of Smell
Toothbrushes Are a Significant Part of the Plastic Crisis
India Will Be the World’s Most Populated Nation by 2027, Says UN Report
New “Pinocchio” Frog Discovered in New Guinea
Can Burned, Charred, and Toasted Food Lead to Cancer?
Facebook Launches a Test Version of Its Cryptocurrency Libra
Dragonflies for Mosquito Control
Discarded Pottery Around Ancient Man Made Islands Has Scientists Stunned
Intuition May be the Highest Form of Intelligence
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Sleep Deprivation is as Dangerous as Starvation, Says Experts
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Ocean ‘Dead-Zone’ Spans 8,000 Square Miles
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52-Million-Year-Old Tree is First of Its Kind in Southern Hemisphere
The Mass Suffering of Bald Eagles Due to Lead Poisoning
A Vaccine to Possibly Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease Has Been Developed
The Water-Out-of-Thin-Air Device That Won $1.5 Million Dollars
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"Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge" Theme Park at Disneyland is Everything You Could Hope For
The Rise of Plastic Pollutions Threatens Seabird Species and Marine Life
A New Global Deal for Nature and People is Urgently Needed
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One Million People Are Infected with STIs Everyday, Says WHO
New Bill Would Legalize Marijuana Nationwide
Overuse of Antibiotics in Livestock Has Given Rise to Drug-Resistant Germs
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