Chardynne Joy H. Concio

Dragonflies for Mosquito Control

A list of 10 plants that attract dragonflies for mosquito control. Dragonflies are some of the best predators to keep mosquito populations low. Not only do they scavenge the skies in adulthood, but they eat large numbers of mosquito larvae in their larval form--which happens in the water.

China Sees US Marijuana Legalization as a Threat

China severely punishes those caught smuggling or trafficking drugs, including foreigners. Beijing's leading drug enforcement body has blamed the legalization of marijuana in Canada and parts of the United States for a spike in the amount of drugs smuggled into the country, describing it as a "new threat to China.

Dogs Know Whether or Not to Trust Humans, Says Science

This experiment either proves that dogs can spot a liar or that dogs have major trust issues. Dogs can smell fear, but can they sniff out the truth? Your dog might actually be smarter than you're giving it credit for.

World Record 633 Divers Clean Ocean Floor

Another of the estimated 50,000 Guinness World Records has been broken and it happened this month when 633 scuba divers scooped up trash from the ocean floor near the Deerfield Beach International Fishing Pier.

52-Million-Year-Old Tree is First of Its Kind in Southern Hemisphere

Millions of years ago, a volcano erupted in what's now the Patagonia region of southern Argentina, leaving behind a huge caldera. Water accumulated in the crater, and eventually it became a lake teeming with countless plants, insects, and other life-forms. Over time, these creatures fossilized deep within the lake's layers of mud and ash, creating a kind of geological jackpot for today's paleontologists.

Pollinators: What’s All the Buzz About?

Our food production depends heavily on pollinators. The majority of flowering plants are pollinated by insects and other animals. It has been estimated that the proportion of animal-pollinated wild plant species rises from an average of 78 percent in temperate-zone communities to 94 percent in tropical communities.

Ocean Habitats Are On a Steep Decline

A crisis for biodiversity also risks becoming a major humanitarian challenge. Billions of people worldwide - especially the world's poorest- rely on healthy oceans to provide livelihoods, jobs and food and the range of goods and services that flow from coastal and marine environments.

The Impacts of Land Degradation

Preventing degradation is much cheaper in the long run than permitting it. Land degradation is the persistent reduction of the capacity of the land to support both biodiversity and human needs.
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