Joshua Stan

SpaceX Set to Launch Their First Next-Gen Tranche Satellites on Dec. 28

Neurology Explains What Happens to the Brain Whenever We Throw Up

Diplodocus Dinosaurs' Tail Believed To Generate Sonic Boom in Single Whip Protecting Them From Predators
Hallucinogen and Medicine: Meet Mad Honey Cultivated From World’s Largest Honeybee, and Its Psychedelic, Treating Properties

Preserved Last Meal: Mammal's Foot Found Inside Winged Microraptor Dinosaur Stomach, Preserved for 100 Million Years

Animation in Palaeolithic: Oldest Animations Present Diverse Artworks Resembling Modern Cinemas

Dinosaur Dominance Drive by Climate Change: Shifts in Global Climate Profited Earliest Giant Reptiles

Toxoplasmosis Brain Parasite Swarms Grey Wolves' Mind, Manipulating Leadership With Risk-Taking Behaviors

Winter Wonderland in Mars: NASA Footage Geysers, Spots, and Bizarre Objects Seen on Martian Surface [Look]

Flightless or Not: With Flying, Pink Colors Do Flamingos Fly? Here's What Science Says

Wind Turbines on Red Planet: Astronomers' Analysis of Wind Energy Source Might Work on Mars

Spy Drone in Australia Watches Shore-Bound Sharks, Monitoring Beach-Goers and Swimming Species

'Wide and Flat-Headed' Transylvanosaurus, New Species of Herbivore Dinosaur, Lived in Transylvania 70 Million Years Ago

T-Rex Arms Controversy: What Are Their Small Arms For?

10 Reasons Boiled Egg is a 'Holy Grail' in Your Meal

IUCN Red List 'Data Deficient' Species Have 50% Higher Risk Prone to Extinction

Unexpected Function of Spinal Cord and Brainstem in Processing Touch Signals to Brain Discovered by Harvard Scientists

Vera C. Rubin Observatory May Hold Promising Space Image Interference Yet Sacrificing 10% Time Spent Eyeing Night Sky

Humpback, Gray Whales, and Dolphins Plunges Together in Rare Swimming Sighting with 'December' Blue Whale Off Monterey Waters

Geotechnical Engineers Initiate Plan Preserving 850-Year-Old Leaning Tower of Pisa Returning to Upright Stance

Leaping Back to Existence: Harlequin Frogs Rediscovered in Ecuador; 32 Species Believed To Be Revived Through Conservation Efforts

Nine Crocodile Remains Found Inside Tombs of Egyptian Nobles

Men Yielding Genes Possible Root of Human Demise: Y-Chromosomes May Lead Extinction, Development of Human Species

Dolphin With Dementia: Scientists Proposed Grim Theory on Cetaceans Cases Stranded on Shorelines

Stem Cells Injection Successfully Treated New Born Baby's Congenital Heart Disease

Can Acne Medication Alter Skeletal Maturation? Minocycline, Other Acne Antibiotics Possess Unintended Consequences on Human Bones

Aside From Cavity-Causing Microbes, Clusters of Bacteria and Fungi Can 'Walk' Between Teeth Infesting the Mouth

ISS Astronomer Seized Infrared Footage of Erupting Volcano in South Patagonia Region [Look]

Growing Tiny Metallic Snowflakes Unexpectedly Formulated by Nanoscientists Using Liquid Metal Synthesis Solvents
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