Joshua Stan

Stars That Exist Forever? Buchdahl Stars Won't Turn Into Black Holes

'Focused Ultrasound' Neurosurgery Treats Essential Tremor Using Light Beams Without Brain Incisions

Zebra Finches Sing Together Not For Competition But to Establish a Close Connection

California Torrential Pours Now Filling Up Reservoirs After Weeks of Extreme Drought

Starfish Embryo Study May Explain Life Components Through Physics

CES 2023 Wearables, Pet Gadgets with Wildest Features Take Electronics Enthusiasts Psyched

Sedentary Lifestyle Badly Affecting Wellness Study Reveals; Can Prolong Sitting Poses Health Risk?

Dry Eye Syndrome Signs, Symptoms, Treatment: Burning Feeling, Impaired Vision May Mean Your Insufficient Tears
Tumor Developed From Eye Squint? 8-Year-Old Boy Diagnosed with Rare Incurable Cancer of the Brain After Strabismus

Anthropic's AI System Claude Tweaks OpenAI's ChatGPT to Align It With Human Intentions Thru Its ‘Constitutional AI’

Leaping Shark Spotted in Auckland Waters; How This Predator Can Leap Like Dolphins?

Novel and Fool-Proof Manner of Assessing Thermoelectric Materials Developed by Nanomaterials Scientists

Reticulated Python Hangs in Singaporean Festive Lights: Rescuers Seized 10-Feet Snake After Series of Attempt

Morning Person vs Night Person Psychology: Can a Night Owl Become an Early Bird?

Peter Pan Syndrome Qualities Found in Neanderthal and Human Brains [Research]

Monstrous Water Beast Found on British Coast: Exotic Sunfish Falsely Identified as Sea Pup

CES 2023: Withings Urine Analysis Technology Tells About One's Health
Tesla 'Full Self-Driving' Malfunction on Snowy Road in Detroit Captured in Video Footage

Immunity Cells Boost Helps in Treating Alzheimer's, Brain-Related Diseases While Faltering Human Aging

Explaining Ancient Roman Concrete: MIT Researchers Solve Durability Mysteries of Pantheon and Archaic Structures

Hummingbird Selfie Now Possible! AI Bird Feeder Captures Fastest Bird's Photos, Videos [CES 2023 Release]

Physicists Transformed Nanotubes From Coal-like Material Using Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center's Bridges-2 System

Human Foot Found Floating in Boiling West Thumb Geyser Basin; Authorities Tries to Name the Body Part Using DNA

Fisherman from Florida Shares Footage of Bizarre 'Stingray With Chainsaw Face' Sawfish on TikTok

UFO Sighting in Lake Azov: Russian Air Soldiers Pleads Witness Alien 'Ball-shaped' Object in Sky

Yellow Fever in Africa Pose Possible Epidemic; WHO Reveals Virus Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Disease Outbreak

Self-Healing Renewable Energy: Novel Research Found Perovskite Solar Cell Repairs During Nighttime

Chemists Found 'Less is More' on Recent Study of Semiconducting Nanocrystals

Genome Scientists Found Evolutionary Benefit to Harmful Fungus Batrachochytrium Salamandrivorans
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