Joshua Stan

Nanoengineers Use Shark Skin and Dragonfly Wings as Inspiration in Developing Advanced Antibacterial, Antifouling Solutions

NASA Finalizing Ultrasat Satellite Launch, Contributing to Upcoming Israeli Astrophysics Mission

Isaac Newton's Book 'Opticks' Lost Copy Priced at $460,000 in Upcoming Auction; What Comes With Its Price?

Nail Biting Truths and Myths: Tips, Tricks for Breaking the Habit

'The Last of Us' Zombie Fungus Is Real! Should Humans Worry About Ophiocordyceps?

Pig Kills Butcher Who Tried To Slay It Inside Hong Kong Slaughterhouse; Can a Swine Really Kill Human?

Meteorite Found in Antarctica Tagged as Largest One Discovered; Monster Space Rock Taken by Scientists to Study

Unearthing Hatshepsut's Reign: 3,500-Year-Old Royal Tomb Discovered Near Luxor, Confirming Female Ruler in Ancient Egypt

Cane Toad Weighing 6 Pounds Found in Australia; Forest Rangers Track, Euthanize Invasive Species

Eye of the Sahara: Unexplained Landform Gazing the Space Holds Earthly Mysteries

"Baby Number Two" Revolutionary Engine: UNSW Engineers Create Hydrogen-Diesel Hybrid with 85% Reduction in CO2 Emissions"

Paranormal Activity Debunked; Night-Time Beliefs Mostly Linked with Imagination

Hidden Emperor Penguin Colony in West Antarctic Found: Poop Stains on Snow Seen Using Space Satellite Imaging

Children With COVID-19 Pose Higher Risk of Respiratory Syncytial Virus Development New Study Reveals

Hydrogel Materials Shrinks to Three-Dimensional Electronic Nanostructure Using Ultrafast Laser Patterning

Grasshopper-like Material Film Made by Engineers Capable of Leaping 200 Times Higher Than Own Dimensions

15-Feet Burmese Python Slithering in Pedestrian Road of Everglades Found Pregnant, Carrying Eggs

SpaceX Falcon 9 'Amelia Earhart Satellite' Take Flight Successfully; Commences GPS III Space Vehicle 06 First Stage

Ancient Egyptian Burial Practices Revealed: Unique Preservation of Decapitated Crocodile Mummies Discovered in Undisturbed Tomb

Doomsday Clock Countdown: Scientists Reveal Annihilation Time Once Minute Hand Strikes at Midnight

Novel Method for Metal Nanostructures Possess High Electrocatalytic Ideals for Fuel Cells Efficiency

Animals Can Perceive Music and Dance Into the Beat, Based on Latest Study

Tesla S Malfunction Caused 8 Car Crash Incidents, But Company Remains Silent Despite US Data Showing FSD Failure

Tiktok Diet Trends Disprove by Health Specialists; Are Social Media Weight Loss Regimens Effective?

Megaraptors Fossils in Chile From 70 Million Years Ago Shows These Feathered Dinosaurs Grow Up to 10 Meters Long

Sun's Highest Number of Sunspots in 8-Years, Caught in Latest Time-Lapse Photo [Look]

Nanoscale Materials Derived From Rare Experiments Poses Medicine and Energy Potential

Lisa Marie Presley’s Cause of Death, Secondary Cardiac Arrest; How Does It Differ From Normal Heart Attack?

COVID-19 Vaccines Allegedly Linked To Increasing Fetal Demise, Is It Really Harmful To Pregnant Women?
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