Margaret Davis
CDC Warns Parents with Babies and Small Children as RSV Starts Spreading Across the South

How Do Women in Coma Give Birth? Italian Woman Wakes Up After 10 Months and Discovers She Has a Baby Girl
Heart Transplants Success Has No Age Limit: 70 Years and Older Have Similar Survival Rate As Younger Patients
Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome: 5 Ways to Support Gut Health and Protect the Digestive System
Is It Possible to Change Earth's and Moon's Orbit to Fight Climate Change?

Dengue Fever Cut Down by 77% With Groundbreaking Bacteria-Armed Mosquitoes

Face Masks Proven Effective: Reduce Flow of Particles When Breathing, Talking, Coughing Even With Side Gaps

Unmedicated, Untreated Mental Illness Blamed for US Mass Shootings

Women are Closing in the Gap With Men in Risky Drinking Habits, But Tend to Feel Adverse Health Effects Quickly

Excessive Coffee Intake Increases Risk of Developing Blinding Eye Disorder

Brain Activation Underlying Adolescent Development Might Explain Risk Factors for Mental Health Disorders in Adulthood
Aurora Borealis: Scientists Solved Final Mystery of the Origins of the Northern Lights
Australia's Largest Dinosaur Ever Found Joins the Elite Group of Titanosaurs Only Found in South America

Adolescents Who Stopped Studying Math After 16 Are at Greater Disadvantage in Cognitive Development

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Now Reaches 50% Higher Than the Start of Industrial Revolution

People With Type 1 Diabetes Are Six Times More Likely to Develop Dementia Later in Life

Protect Your Skin from UV Rays Even When on Staycation, Experts Warn As Warmer Weather Is Expected to Peak This Week
Fireball Over Brazil Might Have Interstellar Origins, The Third Ever to Pass Through the Solar System
'Sea Snot' in Turkey Killing Marmara Sea: How It Endangers Both Humans, Marine Ecosystem
Eliminating Left Turns Will Make City Driving Safer, Save Fuel and Carbon Emissions

Oldest Male Chimpanzee in the US Dies at 63: How Long Can Chimps Live?

False Positives in COVID-19 Test Are Alarming, What Causes It?
Black Fungus Study Revealed Uncontrolled Diabetes and Improper Steroid Use Caused the Deadly Fungi on COVID-19 Patients
SpaceX Dragon Cargo Ship Docks at ISS: New Solar Arrays, Fresh Experiment Supplies Onboard
COVID-19 Gene Protection First Evidence Discovered! This Genetic Link Prevents Some Patients from Getting Sick
Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse 2021: Where and How to Watch This Rare Event
Seven-Hour Spacewalk of Two Cosmonauts Part of ISS Preparation for Arrival of New Russian Module
SpaceX Dragon Spacecraft Sends Glow-in-the-Dark Baby Squids to the ISS for NASA Space Experiments

AstraZeneca's Olaparib Pill Reduced Risk of Recurrence in Early Stage, Hard-to-Treat Breast Cancers
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Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

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