Margaret Davis

Alcohol Consumption Linked to Increased Risk of Liver Disease Among Obese People, Study Reveals

Limb Regeneration in Salamanders May Be Possible Soon, Mystery Behind It's Unique Ability Nearly Unveiled

COVID-19 Vaccine: WHO Issued Emergency Approval for China's Coronavac, After Meeting International Standards

Why Do People With Autism Find It Harder to Recognize Angry Facial Expression

Glycyrrhiza Glabra Extract: Famous Licorice Sweet Treat Could Cure Dark Spots, Dermatologists Said

Transparent Solar Cells Could Be Possible Soon With Novel Electrode as the Building Block
More West Coast Space Launches Expected to Happen, California and Vanderberg Plan and Build New Infrastructures
Robotic Birds Inspire New Ways of Building Better Drones That Could Assist in Medical Emergencies
First Human Case of H10N3 Bird Flu Virus Reported in China: Should People Be Worried of This New Infection?

What Does Arbutin Do to the Skin? Dermatologists Claim It is the Secret to Ultra Bright Skin

3,800-Year-Old Gold Found in Germany Proves Trading of Luxury Items Started In Early Ages
SpaceX Satellite Monopoly a Challenge to Humanity's Access to Space, Arianespace Warns

VIPER Rocket Launched to Look at How Satellites Affected by Lightning Storms on Earth

Glycerin Cosmetics Smoothen, Moisturize Skin: Uses, Benefits, and Side-Effects
NASA Assigns Astronaut as Specialist for Crew-3 Dragon Mission, Who is Kayla Barron?
Japan's Baseball-Sized Transforming Robot Ball to Land on Moon in 2022, What Can It Do?
South Korea Becomes Tenth Country to Join Artemis Accords That Supports NASA-Led Moon Exploration
5-Year-Old Birthday Boy Finds Four-Inch Megalodon Shark Tooth from Millions of Years Ago

What is Butylene Glycol? Some Experts Caution Against It, Although It's Generally Safe to Use

Space Tourism on the Rise: Are Other Passengers of SpaceX Considered "Astronauts"?

78 Sunscreens Contaminated With Cancer-Causing Chemical, Testing Lab Urges FDA for Recall
Thick Sea Snot Covers the Sea of Marmara in Turkey, Could It Be Due to Climate Change?

What is the Maximum Age Humans Can Live? Scientists Found Key to Extending People's Lifespan

Will the Super Blood Moon End Relationships Tonight? Expert Says It Might Cause Break Ups
Largest Known Night Parrot Population Recently Recorded Since It Was First Photographed in 2015
Mild COVID-19 Leaves Infected Patients With Lasting Antibody, Making Reinfection Uncommon
Space Solar Power Could Revolutionize Energy As US Air Force Plans to Harvest This Unlimited Source
X-Ray Vision a Reality? Radar, 5G Networks May Provide Tool for Military and Emergency Services
Noni Juice (Morinda Citrifolia Extract) Potential Benefits in Preventing Tumors, Enhancing Immune System
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists