Margaret Davis
How Do Arabian Camels Travel 100 Miles of Desert and Endure Weeks Without Water?

COVID-19 Survivors Might Take a Year to Recover Loss of Smell and Taste
Nuclear Batteries Could Be the Solution for Safe, Efficient, Carbon-Free Electricity Systems
'Dragon Man': Could Be the Closest Human Species to Homo Sapiens than Neanderthals?
Earth's Atmosphere Seems to be 'Unique', No Other Exoplanets Could Compare
COVID-19 Patients Seven Times More Likely to Get Bell's Palsy Than Those Who Get the Vaccine
Space Perspective Invites People to Space with $125,000 Seat Sale Aboard Its Spaceship Neptune
Giant Sea Anemone Also Eats Ants, Spiders: How Did These Insects Reach the Sea?
Engineers Made Microscopic Seeds for Growing 2D Perovskite Crystals Used in Solar Panels

Mosquito Mating Song Shapes Offspring Immune Response Against Viruses and Bacteria
Legionnaires' Disease Outbreak in North Portland Apartment Remains a Mystery
Where Stars Are Born: NASA's SOFIA Telescope Captures High-Resolution View of a Star Nursery in the Milky Way
Hundreds of Birds Are Dying in the US, Reason Remains Uncertain
Water Harvester: A New Atmospheric Technology Which Works Around the Clock With No Energy Needed

Rabies in Raccoon Reported in Raritan Township; Residents are Advised to Get Vaccinated, Stay Away from Stray Animals

River Flow, Temperature Prediction Now Possible Using Algorithm Based on Physical World

Space App Camp: Here's How to Join ESA's Event to Win $2,900 in Creating an App to Make Earth Data Public

Happiness in Urban Green Spaces: Better Than In Economically Developed Ones?
Fact: Premature Gray Hair Due to Psychological Stress, Repigmentation Could Be Possible for Some
Microbes of Deep-Sea Community Can Survive Extreme Heat, Influence Carbon Cycling

Childhood and Adolescent Depression Linked to Higher Adult Anxiety, Substance Use Disorders

How to Save Relationships During Lockdown? Experts Say to Blame it to Pandemic
Total Solar Eclipses Shed Light on the Temperature of Solar Winds and Sun's Corona

Hubble Space Telescope Has Been Offline for a Week as NASA Fails to Fix It for the Third Time

Snakes Use Their Forked Tongues to Smell, Scientist Reveals
WHO Announced the End of the Second Ebola Outbreak in Guinea that Claimed 12 Lives
$2,000 Bed Heals Body and Soul Using Sound and Low-Frequency Vibrations
Apollo 14 Mission Marks the Successful Return of Man on the Moon After Apollo 13 Mishap

Pandemic Stress-Induced Brain Fog is Making People Forgetful and Confused, Here's What Experts Say
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists