Margaret Davis

Ancient Fish Classified as 'Living Fossil' Helps Researchers Understand Mechanics of Stem Cells

Saturn's Icy Moon Enceladus Mysteriously Covered in Deep Snow; How Is It Possible?

Flashes on the Sun's Upper Atmosphere Could Aid in Forecasting the Next Solar Flare, NASA Says

Intermittent Fasting Makes You Live Longer? Here's How Time-restricted Diet Influences Gene Expression With Numerous Potential Health Benefits

NASA, JAXA Astronauts Conduct First Spacewalk of 2023 For ISS Power Upgrades

3D Scan Techniques Shed Light on How Smilodon Saber Teeth Effectively Bite Despite Large Size

NASA's Perseverance Mars Rover Collects Regolith Samples: How Will It Help Future Missions on the Red Planet?

Vision Impairment Common Among Aging American Population Even With Glasses, Visual Aid

Gene for a Full Coat of Fur in Humans Still Present But Under a Deep Sleep, Study Found

Neanderthal Art Over Time Suggests Their Changing Social Structures, Scientist Says

World's Oldest Runestone, Found in Norway and Believed To Be 2,000 Years Old, Contains the Earliest Scandinavian Writings
Martian Meteorite That Crashed on Earth Contains Organic Compounds That May Give New Insights About the Red Planet

Ultraviolet Nail Polish Dryers Could Cause Cell Death, Cancer-Causing Mutations

Nasal Spray Could Help Deliver Antibodies That Heal Stroke-like Damage in the Brain, Study Suggests

Black Holes Crashing Into Each Other Generate Gravitational Waves, Distorting Space-Time

Largest Fossilized Flower From 40 Million Years Ago Revealed After the Re-analysis of an Amber-encased Bloom
AI-Generated Blog Post Flagged for Plagiarism, Leading to Doubts of Its Accuracy; Can We Really Rely on AI Writing Apps?
Unexploded Grenade Removed From Ukrainian Soldier's Chest; Doctors' Lives Put at Risk To Accomplish Rare, Dangerous Procedure

Immune Dysfunction Becoming Another Cause of Stealth COVID-19 Deaths, Doubling Fatalities
De-extinction: Gene Editing Technology Might Help Bring Back Extinct Species to Life

Earth's Average Surface Temperature in 2022 Declared as the Fifth Warmest on Record Due to Worsening Climate Change

NASA's Lunar Flashlight Might Be in Danger With Limited Capability of Completing Moon Mission
World's Oldest Meal From More Than 550 Million Years Ago Reveals New Clues on the Physiology of Earliest Animals

Pfizer's Bivalent COVID-19 Shot Linked to Early Signs of Stroke in Older Adults, Health Officials Say
Night Shark Spotted in Puerto Rico for the First Time, Making Its Mark as a Must-see Research Area

Viking Period Migration Confirmed: Ancient Scandinavian DNA From Archaeological Remains Reveals Great Genetic History

Space Collaboration: US, Japan Ink Agreement at NASA Headquarters; Private Companies Seen as Intermediaries Between Nations

Dinosaur Brains May Have Been Packed With Neurons as Modern Primates, Suggesting T. Rex Was Smarter Than Previously Thought

Nanoparticles Previously Used To Deliver COVID-19 Vaccines Could Help Improve Treatment of Hereditary Blindness
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists