Margaret Davis

Second-Closest Supermassive Black Hole May Be Lurking in a Nearby Dwarf Galaxy About 1 Million Light-Years Away

One Quantum Theory Hypothesizes About Retrocausality Where the Future Might Be Influencing the Past

New Superabsorbent Dressing Can Soak up Three Times More Liquid, Revolutionizing Tampons

Oxygen Isotopic Signatures in Asteroid Ryugu Samples Reveal the Space Rock's Birth Place

NASA Has Selected the First Sample Depot on Mars to Drop Off Some of Perseverance Rover's Rock Collections

Europe's Vega C Rocket Failed To Reach Orbit After a Malfunction on Its Second Stage, Losing Two Satellites

World's First Placenta Stem Cell Operation Saves a Little Boy With Congenital Heart Defect

Hominins Sailed the Mediterranean Sea 450,000 Years Ago Even Before the Evolution of Homo Sapiens, Study Claims

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope Photo of the Cosmic Cliffs Shows Unseen Young Stars 7,500 Light-Years From Earth

NASA's InSight Mars Lander Bids Farewell on Its Last Message, Sharing What Could Be Its Final Photo

Unexpected Patterns of Temperatures in Jupiter Found in a 40-Year Study From Generations of NASA Missions

Unique Approach in the Battle Against Malaria Uses Nanoparticles That Attack the Parasite

Future Cities Inside Asteroids Proposed in the Most Bizarre Concept Yet for Colonising Space

NASA's Orbiter Discovered Mysterious Shapes Inside Martian Craters: Are These Signs of Ancient Life on Mars?
Artemis I's CubeSats Died After NASA Lost Contact With Them

Elon Musk's Neuralink Faces Federal Probe Over Treatment of Animals in Its Experiments

NASA's James Webb Space Telescope Hailed as Science's 2022 Breakthrough of the Year

Frequent Use of Gadgets to Calm Young Children Linked to increased Emotion Dysregulation, Study Suggests

Mysterious Rocky Fireball From Icy Oort Cloud Could Shed Light on the History of the Solar System

Customs Seized Giraffe and Zebra Bones in DC Airport From a Woman Who Took Them as Souvenirs From Kenya

World's Largest "Eye on the Universe" Is Coming up With Hawaii, Offering Better Views of the Cosmos

Food Allergy: Here's How One Research Could Help Improve Tolerance of an Allergen

Biotechnology Company Uses Extracts From Horseshoe Crabs to Help Fight Sepsis: Will This Be Effective?
Gliding Snakes Inspire Scientists To Design Future Flying Robots That Will Explore the Moon and Beyond

How Much is Santa's Carbon Footprint on His Journey Around the World? Here's What Scientists Say

Wild Mistletoe: A Parasite Called a Kissing Plant for the Holidays But Named From Bird Poop

How Many Planets Have Rings Around Them? Scientists Explain Why Some Worlds Have Them

Astronomers Found Two Possible Water Worlds Orbiting a Red Dwarf Star 218 Light-Years Away

NASA's Juno Spacecraft Captures Jupiter Moon Io, Revealing An Incredible Detail of Its Volcanically Active Surface
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists