Margaret Davis

Cholera Outbreak in Haiti Infected Over 13,000 People Less Than A Year Since the Government Eliminated the Disease

Saturn's Icy Moon Enceladus Could Harbor Life After Scientists Detected Methane in the Jets of Water Bursting Through the Ice

Obesity Causes Chronic Inflammation That Disrupts Milk Production of Breastfeeding Moms
Earth’s North Magnetic Pole Is Moving to Siberia From Canada Due To Molten Material in the Planet’s Interior, Study Suggests

72-Million-Year-Old Fossil of New Crocodile Species Initially Mistaken as a Dinosaur Discovered in Brazil

How Far Can Humans Throw a Ball on Other Planets? Astronomer Explains the Math Behind It

Penguins Added to the List of Self-Aware Animals After Passing the Mirror Test

Treating Age-Related Hearing Loss Involves Training the Brain to Filter Out Background Noise, Study Suggests

Affordance Theory: Scientists Explain Why Women Tend to See More Housework Than Men

High-Resolution MRI Shows the Impact of Migraine on the Brain, Revealing Mechanisms Behind Its Symptoms

Theorists Found a Way of Predicting the Shapes of Crystals Lacking Symmetry

Researchers Developed Novel Cancer Treatment Using Math That Could Be 22% More Effective in Targeting Tumors Than Standard Methods

Rapidly Growing Measles Outbreak in Ohio Infecting 82 Children Linked to Increased Anti-Vaccine Sentiments

Mistletoe May Have Healing Properties Despite Being a Parasitic Plant as Proven by Ancient Human Civilizations

James Webb Space Telescope Reveals a Glimpse of the Earliest Galaxies in the Universe

Comet Strikes on Jupiter's Europa Could Have Delivered Ingredients for Its Hidden Ocean, Study Reveals

Induced Human Hibernation Could Be a Thing in the Future for Space Travel, Surviving Energetic Crises, Coping With Serious Injury

Hubble Space Telescope Spots Long-Armed Galaxy 450 Million Light-Years Away in Great Detail
Protecting One of the World's Tiniest Geckos: Extremely Rare Paper Clip-sized Lizard Only Lives in a Tiny Remote Caribbean Island

Miniature Robots With Cameras Use To Investigate Inaccessible Pipes To Look for Cracks To Prevent Leaks

Asian Hornet Invasion in Europe Traced Back to a Single Queen Bee Introduced to France in 2004, Study Reveals

Capsaicin in Chili Pepper Could Help People Regain Their Sense of Taste Lost Due to COVID-19

Mediterranean Diet Linked to Improved Chances of Conception Among Couples Struggling With Infertility

Pancake-Like Map of Earth Is the Most Accurate Picture of the World Yet; How Is This Better Than the Globe?

All Living Things Die: What Happens to the Body After Death?

Death on Another Planet: How Long Will Humans Live in Other Worlds in the Solar System?

3D-Printed Eye Tissue From Stem Cells Could Lead to Breakthrough in Treating Degenerative Eye Diseases

Soyuz Spacecraft Leak Could Prompt Russia to Send Rescue Mission for Stranded Cosmonauts Aboard the ISS

Greenland's Ice Loss May Be 100 Times Faster Than Initially Thought as Warm Ocean Water Slowly Melts Glaciers Underneath
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Persistent Coughs Are Everywhere: Here's What Experts Think Is Causing It

Ancient Hotspot Found to Have Created Great Lakes 300 Million Years Ago

Giant Predatory Amphipod Discovered Thriving 8,000 Meters Below in Extreme Deep-Sea Environment

Mysterious Structures Discovered Beneath the Pacific Ocean, Puzzle Scientists