SPACEThe sun has continued to spurt powerful solar flares. Read to know how these intense geomagnetic storms will affect power grids and GPS signals on Earth.
The Mars Express rover of ESA captured new images of Mars’ Brain Terrain. Learn more about these satellite images revealing large craters in the Solar System.
Check out this photo from space taken by Maxar Technologies' WorldView-3 satellite that shows a long queue of Ukrainian people waiting for food and supplies amid the Russian invasion.
Most stars are much older compared to our solar system. Read about a newly-discovered star that is suspected as the oldest stellar ancestor of the universe.
Helium-3 leaking from the Earth’s core has been discovered. Find out how astronomers start to doubt a theory stating how the earth formed in a solar nebula.
Take a look at these photos captured from the ground in Germany featuring the astronauts who did a spacewalk last week at the International Space Station.
The world has benefited from space technology, especially in communications, positioning services, earth observation, and economic activities related to government-funded space projects.