SPACEA scientist confirmed Saturn's rings are disappearing. The good news is that it will slowly take place. Learn more about how long it will take for it to happen.
Read more to find out why solar flare could kill astronauts and harm air passengers. Several studies show that a powerful solar flare might be strong enough to kill astronauts in a spaceship with inadequate shielding and could even harm airplane passengers.
The sample-return mission plan has been altered by NASA and ESA. Continue reading to learn how long scientists will have to wait for fresh Mars samples.
Mars, Venus, and Saturn including the Moon will appear on the horizon. Find out if the planetary trio, along with the moon will still look the same in 2040.
Neil Armstrong's moon dust, collected during the historic 1969 NASA lunar landing, is now for sale. If you read this post, you will learn about the out-of-this-world selling price.
Many space missions are currently directed to search for life on Mars. Read on to know a new venture that international space agencies are interested in, which could possibly ignite another space race in the near future.