Europa, Jupiter's moon, may be a more suitable home for life than scientists previously anticipated. Read on to learn more about how seas may provide life.
Have you ever wondered why NASA has not hired more black and brown astronauts despite including Jessica Watkins in the Artemis mission? Read more to know why.
Humans will have to maximize resources on Mars to survive, and that includes recycling urine. Check out this proposed system to convert astronaut wastewater into rocket fuel.
Scientists may finally be able to solve the Sun's greatest riddle. Here's how NASA's Solar Parker Probe allowed scientists to observe the stellar corona.
Scientists noticed enexplainable high-frequency retrograde waves from the sun. Read the article to understand the "novel physics" regarding the sun and stars.
Planetary scientists said planet Mercury may be studded with quadrillions of diamonds in 2025. Discover how glittery gemstones are possible on this planet.