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04.05.2021 20:19 PM
After undocking from the Perseverance rover, Ingenuity survives the first cold night on Mars as it prepares for its first test flight.
04.04.2021 22:10 PM
NASA made another discovery after the Mars lander InSight detected two strong, clear quakes on the Red Planet.
04.04.2021 20:35 PM
North America will experience totality — when the Moon blocks the Sun — for a whopping 4 minutes 26 seconds on April 8, 2024.
04.04.2021 19:36 PM
NASA's Mars Perseverance rover dropped Ingenuity helicopter a week ahead of the original schedule.
04.04.2021 00:12 AM
A week after a SpaceX rocket launch has sparked "shooting stars" sightings across the Pacific Northwest, a piece of debris has been found on a farm in central Washington Friday, April 2.
04.03.2021 03:39 AM
Four astronauts will make an unprecedented port relocation of SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft to free up ISS port space for future commercial missions.
04.03.2021 00:02 AM
Perseverance's laser hasn't yet solved the mystery of this strange rock near the rover's new digs on Mars.
04.02.2021 20:50 PM
A solar storm that hit Earth in 1582 may happen again this century, causing worldwide blackouts and billions in damages.
04.02.2021 07:53 AM
Catch all these exciting sky events this April, like the moon in conjunction with Saturn and the pink moon.
04.02.2021 02:06 AM
A new Chinese satellite was recently launched to increase the number of high-definition observation satellites available to state authorities.
04.02.2021 00:30 AM
Some followers are wondering if Elon Musk said SpaceX will put a “literal Dogecoin on the literal moon" is an April Fool joke.
04.01.2021 22:55 PM
Researches theorize that Enceladus' global subsurface oceans have similar current patterns as Antarctica which would explain the constant cooling and melting of the icy moon's ice caps.
04.01.2021 22:30 PM
SpaceX started building skyscraper-sized Starship ‘launch towers’ that could catch the Super Heavy boosters with open arms.
04.01.2021 20:48 PM
NASA is yet to explain to the public Ingenuity's three-day launch delay, from April 8 to April 11.
04.01.2021 00:09 AM
Astronomers are determining the cause of X-Rays emitted for the first time from Uranus. With its sideways rotation and not having a real surface, Uranus might seem to be the weirdest planet in the solar system.
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