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03.21.2021 00:17 AM
Japanese private company Astroscale is set to launch the world's first satellite that will use magnets to collect space junk.
03.20.2021 23:41 PM
Asteroid 2001 FO32 - the largest near-Earth asteroid predicted to zip by Earth this 2021 - will be making its closest approach on March 21, Sunday.
03.20.2021 23:33 PM
Experts claim that Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is suited to provide many kinds of environmental stability.
03.20.2021 21:48 PM
ISS astronauts undocked and moved the Soyuz spacecraft Earth-facing port to make room for another spacecraft.
03.20.2021 20:36 PM
NASA InSight Lander used seismic waves on Mars to measure the size of the molten core of the Martian planet.
03.19.2021 06:27 AM
The cosmic web, or incandescent hydrogen gas filaments, have been discovered by French physicists for the first time.
03.19.2021 02:00 AM
Perseverance rover will drop Ingenuity from its belly and film its flights. According to NASA, the helicopter will take to the air as early as the first week of April.
03.19.2021 01:31 AM
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has given astronomers a view of changing seasons on Saturn as the northern hemisphere summer transmission to fall, of the plane
03.19.2021 01:30 AM
SpaceX and NASA agreed to exchange data and avoid space collisions. SpaceX also agreed to move its satellites to avoid crashes and near misses with NASA assets.
03.18.2021 23:12 PM
Jupiter's winds are going at a staggering 900 miles per hour and are up to 560 miles tall. These giant storms are wider than the entire Earth.
03.18.2021 21:12 PM
NASA hopes to eventually use the Space Launch System rocket to fly astronauts to the moon, but it has been plagued by problems.
03.18.2021 01:49 AM
NASA will conduct the next Space Launch System rocket's core stage on Thursday! NASA will perform the second Green Run hot fire test of the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket's core stage.
03.18.2021 00:20 AM
Short bursts of artificial gravity cannot compensate for diminished cognitive capacity, according to a study simulating the consequences of weightlessness.
03.17.2021 23:01 PM
Hear Perseverance's six wheels rattling and creaking as they drive over rocks on the other side of the planet.
03.17.2021 21:43 PM
Alena Wicker, a 12-year-old child prodigy, is starting college and aims to work for NASA in four years, driving one of those future space mobiles.
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