A new analysis reveals that no place on Earth is spared from experiencing satellite light pollution that disrupts naked-eye and astronomical observations.
NASA has successfully completed the first water drop test for the Orion spacecraft, which will carry astronauts to the Moon and beyond as a part of the Artemis missions.
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launch on March 4 has failed to do a deorbit burn. It re-entered the Earth's orbit on March 25 and created a light show over the Pacific Northwest sky.
NASA food scientists seek an ideal space food system that will offer delicious and nutritious meals for astronauts in long-duration interplanetary missions.
British counterpart of SpaceX, OneWeb, has recently sent another 36 satellite broadbands into space aboard the Soyuz rocket from Russia to bring internet coverage to the UK.
NASA awarded Bell Labs of Nokia a $14.1-billion contract to develop cell towers on the moon. In 2020, NASA awarded Bell Labs of Nokia a contract amounting to $14.
Recently discovered is new physical evidence akin to spiders that can be explained through CO2 ice's sublimation, and they seem to be carved into the surface when the dry ice is changing from solid to gas in the Martian spring.